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BOS 06-30-03 Minutes
JUNE 30, 2003
(Public Session)

Attendance:  Chairman Joan Funk, David Hall, Gerald McCarthy, Barry Elliott & Matthew Scruton
Staff:  Ernest M. Creveling, Town Administrator, Parks & Recreation Director Kerry Mucher, Water &
           Waste Mgemt. Director, Dale Sprague, Highway Supervisor Clark Hackett, TC/TC Kathy Seavers,
           Police Chief Scott Roberge & Fire Chief Randall (Ky) Goslin

The meeting convened and was called to order by Chairman Funk at 6:15 p.m. Chairman Funk led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Award Presentation
Chairman Joan Funk and Police Chief Scott Roberge presented an award plaque to Farmington resident, Mr. Paul Carrier for his CPR and defibrillator training of the Farmington Police dept. personnel, enabling them to save three lives recently.  
Chairman Funk then presented a commendation to Chief Scott Roberge and Sgt. Myron Crossley for their successful life-saving efforts of Jay Thyng of the Town of Milton.  
Joan then read a letter of appreciation to the following Town employees for their efforts to make improvements to the Main Street School building, now the Municipal Offices:  Dale Sprague, Paul Cameron, Ray Dionne, Steve Deinstadt, Charles Tiffany & Gerald Adkins.  
Goals & Objectives (G & O)
Ernie said some time ago he presented to the Board his outline of goals and objectives.  He said there was a list of things reviewed at a staff meeting held sometime between the end of March and the beginning of April.  He said some things are already being worked on, as he speaks such as the land use and growth policies and economic development.  Ernie went on to say the Fire/EMS dept. is still interested in having the Selectmen consider obtaining a few full time staff for gap coverage in the daytime hours, perhaps by sponsoring a warrant article.  He said he would expound further on this matter later.  He said next is whether or not to consider a Charter Commission for town management versus town administration, purchasing (looking into appointing a group to review the Town’s purchasing), public safety and sidewalks
(none of which have been addressed at this time).  Ernie said some other goals/objectives are the closure of the landfill, which will be addressed in more depth at Wednesday’s workshop, and a chair lift for the former Town Hall building, at a cost of approximately $23,000.  Ernie said he would also like to know the Board’s goals and objectives too.
Parks & Recreation G & O
Kerry Mucher said her first issue is the elevator/chairlift.  She said the original plans budgeted for was for an elevator.  Ernie said in year 2001 the elevator came before the voters as part of the improvements, which were needed in the old Town Hall building: inclusive of renovations to the front steps and internal accessibility to both floors.  Kerry said the way the building is set up now, most people enter through the front of the building.  She said she feels the interior ramp (downstairs game room) from the side entrance of building should be removed, along with repairs and removal of the exterior ramp in the front of the building.  She said this would give more control of access to the building and they would be less likely to have problems, with the bulk of people entering through the front.  
She then spoke about the Community Action Program (CAP) office currently located in the basement of the Town Hall.  She said she met with Farmington Director, Janette Pelley, Dick Hayes of the C.A.P. main office in Dover and Ernie concerning the need to move the CAP office out of the old Town Hall.  She said there are security concerns, inclusive of clients found wandering through the building.  Kerry spoke about moving the CAP office to the lower floor of the Old Courthouse building.  Barry said he would like there to be more discussion regarding the programs currently at the old Town Hall and would like the Board to walk through the building in order to review the issues for the placement of the ramp, for placement of the elevator/chairlift and concerning future uses, etc. He then asked if all the space in the old Town Hall is being used and Kerry said she and her staff occupy the former Selectmen’s office and some of her

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department programs are run out of the former TC/TC office, as well as this space being available for public groups/organizations. Ernie then explained that CAP was granted a space in the Town offices through an agreement with the Town for perpetuity.  Joan asked if moving the CAP office would actually assist in addressing safety concerns and Ernie said where the CAP office is now, simply isn’t working and it’s a security issue for sure.  Kerry said an intercom system could be installed between the CAP office and the Police dept. at the proposed new location.  She then expressed concern about safety issues with the number of children in the building for P&R programs.  Joan asked Ernie to set up a time for the Board to tour the facility and to discuss this further.  Kerry said another issue that came about during a department head meeting held today is about how much responsibility the Maintenance Technician, Gerald Adkins has and the fact that he simply has too much to do (overextended). She said the Town’s floating laborer, Chuck Tiffany does assist him, but it still isn’t enough.  Ernie said a suggestion from this meeting was to contract out the mowing of the parks and buildings.  He said at this time the Town is trying to stretch 1.5 men to do the work of many.  Gerry asked if the new mower is what’s needed repair and Ernie said yes.  Chief Roberge said the mower is not commercial and simply isn’t capable of performing the amount of work demanded upon it.  Barry said it certainly wouldn’t hurt to bid out the work.  Kerry said some time ago she received a bid from a local lawn service and it was $7,000.
 Joan asked Kerry how many youth she had on staff for the summer and Kerry said 15.  Barry then asked when the tour of the Town Hall could occur.  Ernie said the Board of Selectmen has a workshop scheduled for this Wed. and it should only take approximately 1-1 ½ hours.  Barry suggested meeting at the old Town Hall at 6pm that night for both the tour and the workshop in order to get a plan in action.  Ernie said he would arrange it.
Police Dept. G&O
Chief Roberge gave an update regarding the remodeling of the Police dept.   He said the new flooring is down, along with the installation of wainscoting.  He said he’s now looking to replace an officer, since his department is still down in staff by two officers.  Scott said he’s looking to reestablish the bike patrol and he’d like to have a traffic control officer regularly in the downtown, perhaps utilizing the crossing guard or considering the installation of a traffic light.  He said concerning the department cruisers, he hopes to have enough revenue from outside detail to pay for one cruiser, needing only one other from budgeted funds.  He said at this time only $600.00 remains in the cruiser repair line.  Scott said the Chevrolet Impala cruisers are simply not holding up as well as the Ford Crown Victorias.  He said he’d also like to establish an award committee for the Crime Line and would like to run another Citizens Academy in the fall.  Scott informed the Board he has applied for an $8,000 grant to replace the ballistic vests in order to enable his department to upgrade them to threat level.  He said some other goals/objectives are for new spike mats, some radar unit updating, to review the departments’ general orders and to improve the schooling/training.  Scott said the department needs to have the roof replaced and new keypads need to be installed on the exterior doors, as well as the carpeting replaced and interior painting done in the upstairs offices.  He said he personally, along with Sgt. Crossley and some other officers, worked on the bathrooms in his department, tearing out the old toilets and replacing a lot of the plumbing.  He said this has helped to save some money during the improvement process.  Scott said as a result of the improvements space utilization has dramatically improved within his department.  Gerry asked if the officers donated their time and Chief Roberge said yes.  Gerry said the officers should be commended/recognized by the Selectmen.  Gerry asked Scott why there is no downtown coverage and Scott said the call volume determines the ability to have downtown presence.  Gerry asked why not overlap an officer for downtown availability.  Scott said he’s already overlapping shifts.  Gerry asked what’s the issue behind the department’s inability to schedule a downtown officer for even just a few hours each day, particularly on Thursdays and Fridays and Scott said staffing is a problem.  He said it’s difficult to provide the staff.  Gerry then asked, if what Chief is saying is, his department needs another officer on staff.  Chief said yes he does and Gerry immediately interjected, “I don’t buy it.”  Scott said Gerry should ride along with an officer(s) to experience the call volume demand.  Gerry said the Town of Farmington has the largest number of staff per capita.  Scott disagreed.  He said other departments have had to add staff due to the growth of their communities, saying his department is no different in their needs.  He again encouraged Gerry to come and visit and experience first hand.  Scott said his department is back to the staffing levels of 1992-1993.  
Matt asked to keep to the workshops agenda of goals and objectives.  Gerry said this has been an issue for four years and he wants to see this and other issues addressed.  He also asked when the Board of Selectmen
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could discuss mutual aid too.  Joan said Scott and Ernie could determine when this meting could occur.  Barry said he agrees with Gerry in regard to some of the issues, wondering if the Chief has any data regarding traffic, etc. in order to plan for the needs of the downtown.  Clark said the State is performing a traffic study this summer.  Barry said he would like to know what’ s facing the Town of Farmington in order to determine what changes would be helpful.  He said he’d like the Chief’s suggestions.  Scott said he has recommended in the past utilizing the crossing guard for traffic control.  Joan asked Scott for a chart of the last five years progression of call volume.  Barry asked for Scott’s long term plan and Scott said he’s working alongside fire Chief Goslin on the public safety building to house both the Fire/EMS and the Police Departments.  He said the first plans were adjusted to address certain needs and the two departments are awaiting the revised drawings.  He said he is also decreasing the juvenile issues and wants to further the J.O.L.T. program.  Barry asked, since there is no longer a School Resource Officer, are there problems at the schools again and Scott said yes, the department has had to respond since there is not an officer at the school.  He also said he could provide a chart with the number of calls to the schools  
Kathy Seaver said it’s hard to have long-term goals with her department.  She said she did her first mail out for vehicle registrations and has received four in return, three of which were wrong.  She said the problem is they are not being read well by the individuals and there is an extra cost to register a vehicle by mail ($1.00).  Barry wondered when registrations could occur on line and Kathy said if Governor Benson had it his way it would be now, but the State is far from ready.  She said the system is way behind.  She said maybe by July of next year they would be ready.  Kathy said other than that,  she’d like re-work done in her office.  She said the contractors she has asked to view the office and provide estimates have not gotten back to her.  She said the radiators were supposed to be removed, sandblasted and repainted, but she hasn’t heard anymore about that either. Kathy said she’s working with the State on such projects as a statewide voter checklist, as well as the UCC to be on the State level, along with a statewide vital records system on line.  Joan asked what the TC/TC office traditionally budgets for and Kathy said her budget is within the Administration budget, except for voting and the like.  Joan then asked if renovations to the TC/TC office are covered under the Administration budget and both Kathy and Ernie said yes.
Highway Dept. G&O
Ernie said he has talked about putting together a group from the Fire, Police, DPW and Highway departments regarding communication.  He said the Police department has digital and hi-band radios, the Fire department has hi-band and the DPW & Highway department has lo-band.  Ernie said these issues need to be looked at because communication has been problematic.  Ernie said he and Dale are working to have the representative from Motorola to look further into this.  Joan asked if most departments in other communities are using digital. Ernie said public safety is going digital and it began years ago.  He said there are grants, which have been applied for through the department of Homeland Security with the assistance of Fire dept. volunteer, Rick Gladding.  He said they are also looking for assistance for a repeater.  Ernie said hopefully as the upgrading occurs the departments going on to digital could pass down their hi-band as communication issues become addressed.  He said a group really needs to work on this to determine direction.  Ernie said a Selectmen in this group would be helpful too.  Gerry said Farmington needs to completely redo all their communications and he hopes it can be done through Homeland Security grants.  Gerry asked if E 911 Commission member, Peter Brym could also assist in the process since his experience is in emergency communications.
Ernie then mentioned that Farmington, in collaboration with area communities, are the recipients of a $75,000 Community Health grant.  He said they are also looking into bulk purchasing for communication with schools, such as for the Nextel radiophones.
E 911
Ernie said last week, before the last Commission meeting, the State did a presentation.  He said letters went out last Wednesday regarding street name changes and they have set up another date for a public information hearing concerning the changes to street names.  He said the Commission is trying hard to meet the timeline.
Dale said the plant upgrade is in the works now, noting the two most important short-term goals are his department needs to develop water/sewer regulations inclusive of installation practices and a utilities
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Acceptance policy, in order to have the packet together as a working tool for developers and the next goal is for some GIS work.  He said he has applied for a grant through Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) for elicit discharge location and for the mapping of storm drains, outfalls and ditches, in order to learn how to work/manage GPS, etc., to include the cost of courses and ARC view software, all built into the grant.  He said if he can get the grant then his department could learn how to utilize a lot of helpful equipment in order to obtain good working tools.  Dale said if he doesn’t get the grant monies his department would still need some schooling.  Ernie said this could also provide the opportunity for geographical mapping. He went on to say Dale has broken down the engineering studies for costs in order for the Selectmen to get good, solid information on various scenarios.  
Fire/EMS G&O
Ky said he too is working on the Public Safety building as well as working on fundraising for it.  He said he hopes to fund some or all of the costs for the building through fundraising efforts.  Ky said he has purchased a storage container for the storage of items for future sale too.  He said his department also wants a new rescue truck and hopes fundraising would assist in this as well.  Ky said the downstairs of the department building needs to have the carpeting pulled out and be replaced with tile or something more durable and cleanable.  He said the Board of Selectmen need to back him for a couple of full time EMS staff, who could also serve as firefighters, noting his department has no daytime staff.  Ky said the EMS volunteers need to work and no one is available.  He said State law requires that an ambulance be manned with two licensed EMS personnel, suggesting hiring two from the hours of 8am-5pm.  David asked Ky if he has talked with other communities and Ky said yes, and they too are facing the same problems.  
Both Joan and Matt asked for a plan to be presented to the Board.  Matt expressed some concern about the lack of department support, but he encouraged Ky to continue to bring this issue before annual Town Meeting.  Barry expressed his concern about the surrounding communities relying on Farmington, if staffed full-time, for mutual aid, since they do not have staff.  Ernie said the prior Boards have discussed the possibility of contracting outside for certain hours of the day.  He said this has been an issue for years.  Discussion then ensued regarding the need for expedient response time.  Ky said perhaps the ambulance revenue could assist in the expense.  Ernie said once done, it would still be a cost effect.  He said the issue is: the problem is ongoing.  Gerry said the ambulance really doesn’t “pay it’s own way”.  Barry then spoke about combining the duties of revenue generating services such as:  fire inspections, EMS services, etc. Ernie agreed.  Ky said other than that the department is running well.
Highway Dept. G&O
Clark was next before the Board.  He said the highway garage is bulging at the seams and a lot of equipment has to be stored outside, exposed to the elements.  Clark said Kimball & Chase are quoting for the cost of a new 100’x40’ metal building.  He said the plan is for his department to move to the new garage and use the current building for storage of equipment.  Clark said the new garage would also have more appropriate equipment for the lifting of trucks for maintenance, as well as wider garage doors.  Ernie said this building is being budgeted for in the C.I.P.  Clark then reviewed all the equipment, which is currently stored outside, often rusting after having been painted, yet before it can even be used the next season.  He said the current building is 31 years old and it gets harder every year to heat. Ernie said the point in bringing this to the Selectmen is to provide a plan for efficient storage for better accessibility and maintenance provisions.  Clark said the $117,000 cost for the building includes the cement floor, the metal walls, the roofing, the entrance doors and some lighting, but that figure was from back in the year 2000.  He said another goal and/or long-term planning is for bridgework improvements, which have cost Farmington “an arm and a leg”.  He said he wants to look into pre-cast bridge decking for future improvements.  He then spoke about a few bridges in Farmington that would soon need work.  Gerry asked if State funds could assist in the costs and Clark said no.  Gerry said Clark would need to figure if there really is any savings in doing it this way, since the State-funding split is 80% from the State and 20% from the Town.  Barry said pre-cast headwalls can be purchased too and Clark agreed.  Ernie said work on dirt roads is occurring at this time.  Clark said he is marking trees slotted for removal and they are notifying abutters, giving them a specific timeframe within which to reply (30 days).  He said his proposal concerning the double excavator is not going to be possible, because the owner of the excavator has now just gone out of business.  

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Paul Charron said after listening to the other department’s goals and objectives the two repeated themes seems to be physical plant and staffing.  He said with the current growth in Farmington, it is a natural progression/consideration.  Paul said a general comment he has is as of June 3rd 200, he has been working on an interim growth ordinance, private road agreements, and the streamlining of the permit process, which are all still before his department today, with not a lot of progress.  Barry said Paul is closer to resolution today, than he was one year ago.  Barry then asked Paul how he feels about fees and Paul said he would love it if planning, zoning and codes were completely funded by fees.  He said it would lessen the burden to the taxpayers too.  Gerry asked who sets the fee schedules and Paul said the Planning Board.  Paul then explained how at this time, the Planning Board is determining what additional reviews would be required and applicable fees charged.  Ernie then discussed how the private road agreements were changed to now be called, “acknowledgments” per the NHMA Attorney. Susan Slack.  He said he feel further legal review is needed, since parts of the document do now not seem to make sense.  Gerry suggested speaking with NHMA between tomorrow and Wednesday and having the new acknowledgements ready for signing by the next Selectmen’s meeting/workshop on Wednesday night.
Administration G&O
Joan said she’s spoken with Ernie about the fact he’s been the Road Agent, which he truly hasn’t had time for.  Gerry said the Highway Supervisor should be allowed to run the department on his own.  Matt said he feels the supervisor still really needs some guidance.  Ernie said it would take additional revisiting and discussion with the Highway Supervisor before the Selectmen could decide to change the position of a department head, non-exempt employee position.  Gerry asked if there’s a job description and Ernie said yes.  Joan recommended looking at the description to “tweak it” to the Boards’ liking.  Ernie then mentioned the Codes Officer really isn’t a department head either.
Legal Services
Ernie said he spoke to several references for Mitchell & Bates and all references were good.  Matthew Scruton motioned to accept Mitchell & Bates for the Town’s legal counsel.  David Hall seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued. Gerry said he knows that Manny Krasner is capable, but he feels strongly about an attorney not living and working in the same community.  He said it was nothing personal, but he feels it is in the best interest of Farmington.  Barry said he has worked many times with Manny over the years and he too has concerns about conflict of interest, but he does feel knowing the community can be helpful.  He said he’d like to see Manny considered.  David said he’s familiar with Mitchell & Bates,  that municipal law is their specialty.  Matt said he too has respect for Manny, but he’s voting for Mitchell & Bates, because their focus is municipal government, they are priced competitively, etc.  Joan said she is impressed with both firms, but leans towards Manny.  She said only once in six years was there a conflict of interest, and like Barry, she feels torn.  Joan said she leans toward supporting Town business and feels Manny’s intimate knowledge of the community could be an asset, noting it’s a “tough call” for her.  Barry commented regarding that a new firm would have to spend a lot of “up front” time, because they don’t know our community.  He said the Town could be headed for the same start up costs as were incurred with Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella.  Matt disagreed, saying the prior firm is not as familiar with municipal government.  He said Mitchell & Bates can “hit the ground running”, adding they have a vast plethora of experience, invaluable to Farmington as a community.  Joan reiterated her concern about Mitchell & Bates already having so many clients (50 other towns).  Discussion then ensued regarding legal consultation by anyone other than the Town Administrator.  Both Matt and Ernie said policy in this regard could be drafted.  Barry said the Administrator should know what Boards & Committees are doing and these boards should have the Administrator’s permission before seeking consult.  The role call vote was: Joan-no, Matt-yes, Gerry-yes, David-yes & Barry-no.  The motion passed
Matthew Scruton motioned to set policy for requesting information from Town Counsel or from the attorneys affiliated with NHMA and that one must have permission from the Town Administrator.  David Hall seconded the motion and the vote was:  Gerry-yes, Bar y-yes, Matt-yes, David-yes & Joan-yes.  The motion passed. Barry said all department heads and Boards and Committees need to receive notification to this affect.  

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Ernie then passed out the Main Street School building special revenue fund balance.  He said it is $11,271.53 with the anticipated revenue for Sept. and Dec.  He then listed the anticipated expenditures for things such as electricity, oil, the railings out in front of the building, the replacement of missing screens,
two air conditioning units, the front steps, the new picnic table, a new sign out in front of the building, some lighting for the sign and the new Town Seal and said there will be only just over $3,000 remaining.  It was the consensus of the board that the TC/TC office could undergo minor repairs not to exceed $300.00.  Barry suggested that Kathy present her larger request to the C.I.P. Committee this year. Ernie said he would talk to Kathy about some temporary fixes to address the serious concerns in her office.  Joan wondered about the high school students painting the Town Seal.  
The meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn C. Seaboyer
Admin. Asst.